Being faithful to his calling and gift from God, Philip S. France responded to God's leading to serve God's people in the role of Pastor in 2003.
He served as an ordained Minister at the Apostolic Church of God under the leadership of Bishop Arthur M. Brazier for 20 years. He was a deacon and a member of the Board of Directors. He had been a loyal and dedicated Bible class instructor for the Christian Education Department of the Apostolic Church of God for over 18 years. He taught Sunday Morning Bible Class, Moody Bible Institute's elective courses, Discipleship and Leadership and New Members Committee training on the "Spirit-filled Life." Pastor France is a founding member of the Saving Grace Television Ministries at the Apostolic Church of God and was active in the Church's Prison Ministry from 1990 to 1995. He was also moderator of the Men's Ministry with oversight of over 6,000 men at the church.
Pastor France spent over 25 years in sales, marketing and sales management roles in corporate America. In obedience to the call to pursue additional theological training, Pastor France graduated in 2001 from McCormick Theological Seminary with a Masters in Theological Studies.
Pastor France and his wife Jeanne are the proud parents of three children, Philip Jr. (Stephanie), Kelly, and Kimberly (TJ). They are also the proud grandparents of five grandchildren: Ethan, Matthew, Jackson, Harper, and Joshua.